Friday Chic GIN
From Portugal to the world
Alberto Henriques, principal manager and nominee for the fourth generation of the family owner and creator of Caves da Montanha, explains how this idea of making gin came up.
“The Caves da Montanha, is a company celebrating her 75th anniversary in history, she has a lot of experience on the distillation of beverages, among them, the gin. Following the market’s trend of high demand for this beverage in particular, the Caves da Montanha set off in a pursuit of a formula for a quality premium product, which was achieved after several years of experimentations and with an exhaustive process of packaging design.”

Eclectic, modern and cosmopolitan and with the elegance of the black and white.
The position of Friday, is obvious for the company which defines the gin, as a premium gin, and of reference.
“We were already distinguished internationally for the packaging, with the award of a silver medal for “Best Packaging, as well as silver medal in a highly regarded international contest of distilled beverages.”
It took several years of trying and error until they achieved the desired concept, not only the product and for the imaging of the Friday Chic Gin as well.

And who is the target public?
From the gin lovers to the occasional consumer. With a wide taste profile, it can fit in several variety of cocktails, or just a simple Tonic Gin. It is also an excellent partner at the table, ideal to go with all sort of meals.

For the curious ones: Which is the composition of gin?
Five botanic.
Gin is made of juniper, cardamom, that gives it the structure and are the foundations of the gins general speaking. Then we got the orange tree flower that gives it a little bit of acidity and freshness which blended with other ingredients gives us this smooth aromatic of tropical fruits, not having the taste of the orange at all. It takes rose petals which soften it and leaves of the BAGA vine (typical caste from Bairrada) known for its astringency giving to the gin a long and more persistent finale.