A platform with a new aproach to electric vehicles charging.
Mov.e is an energy sharing platform that uses the existing electrical infrastructure to support an electric vehicles charging ecosystem that connects the only and true actors of electric mobility: The conductors of electric vehicles and the managers/ owners of parking spaces.
We intend that the managers/ owners of the parking spaces (for example: condominiums, companies, Municipalities, Universities, Shopping’s, Etc) substitute the existing normal plugs in the parking spaces for intelligent plugs mov.e (IoT) and, in this way, provide, from one day to another, charging points for any electrical vehicle (BEV, PHEV and motorcycles). Price can be established according to the quantity of energy consumed per plug.
On the other end of the platform, the electric vehicles’ conductors register on the plugs via mobile app mov.e every time they park, knowing that payment for that consumption will be made after charging ceases.

How did this idea come about?
Mov.e started to take shape during the MBA the three co-founders were undertaking in MIT. At that time they decided that after many years of professional experience both in Portugal and abroad, it was time to create a business to meet a global necessity and simultaneously bring a more sustainable future to the next generations, since all of them are parents.
What is your Mission?
To globally spread the most sustainable, effective and competitive solution for charging electric vehicles, giving the collective entities the capacity to solve a global challenge which is the decarbonisation of the transport sector.

How do you deal with the financial issue?
Our approach is to identify the partner(s) that present the capacity and availability to finance mov.e until the go-to-market. Unlike other startups that begin their financing period by a seeds stage, mov.e financed its initial development through its co-founders, achieving a development stage that places it significantly close to the go-to-market phase.
Mov.e is creating a gateway for large companies in sectors that have always been historically distant from the energy sector such as the telecommunications sector, the mobility sector or the real estate sector.

What is your Client acquisition Strategy?
We are currently close to completing a pilot project in great Lisbon with partners such as Cascais Town Hall, Nova Business School Campus in Carcavelos and Belas Clube de Campo, in order to consolidate our concept and obtain a considerable amount of orders.
Our business model will be equivalent to Telecom’s model.
What do you expect for your Startup’s future?
International expansion with exponential growth.