Super Minds
Simon Sinek ends the 2019 edition of the World Business Forum in Madrid, “Super Minds”.
On November 5th and 6th, the World Business Forum hosted some of the most important personalities in the business world.

Don Peppers
The World Business Forum, the biggest management event in the world, began its edition in Madrid with speakers such as Nicholas Negroponte, founder and director of MIT Media Lab, Ian Williamson, dean of Wellington’s Victoria Business School, Whitney Johnson, expert in disruptive and personal innovation, Don Peppers, global authority on customer relationship management strategies, and Felipe Gómez, expert on entrepreneurship and innovation.

Felipe Gómez

Felipe Gómez
The event ended with Simon Sinek, Chief Organizational Performance Authority, Gary Hamel, a key figure in modern management techniques, Victoria Roos-Olsson, senior leadership consultant, and Zoe Chance, teacher at the Yale School of Management.

Simon Sinek
Lastly, Simon Sinek ended the event by talking about the business game. «If you have a competitor, you have a game. We are infinite players every day of our lives. No one can be the winner in the business game because it’s an infinite game. Each milestone we surpass is an indication that we are on the right track. One should not set goals on prices or products, because they may be number one now, but won’t be in the future, it’s an infinite game. The goal is to continue the infinite game.»
Sinek also noted that «it is the responsibility of the leaders to provide an environment in which people can do their best. There are many companies that try to protect what they have instead of looking for change. One has to have the courage to lead. It takes courage to deal with this kind of pressure and do the right thing.»
During these two days in the capital, the World Business Forum provided managers with a quick update on management principles. A unique experience, with the aim of better preparing them to deal with their professional challenges, through conferences with the most relevant personalities in the business world.
This edition of the event focused on the motto “Super Minds. Empowering people, leading technology, growing companies”, that is, how human and technological capital can be the fundamental key to personal and business growth.

Following up on the central theme of the event, the speakers focused on how to implement efficient and profitable operational working processes in order to create competitive business advantages that enable us to be relevant and differentiating. As well as promoting a culture of innovation within the organization that enables a faster response to market changes.
Victoria Roos-Olsson stated that top level leaders are the most crucial for a company. «Top-level leaders have the greatest impact on all of their business results. This is where innovation should happen.»
At the end of the morning panel, Zoe Chance commented that «the most relevant moments for companies and their employers often come in the form of problems or challenges, because this is where the capacities and character of leaders come to the fore. The way we handle these situations is what defines leaders. For example, when we can forgive an employee that simple decision can make him more committed than before.»

About WOBI and the World Business Forum
Organized annually, by WOBI, in different cities of America, Europe and Oceania, the World Business Forum is a two-day event that brings together thousands of restless minds who share the same passion for business. Participants want to learn and be inspired by some of the most influential minds in business and other fields – a fusion of content made up of CEOs, entrepreneurs, innovators, thinkers, artists and athletes.
Next year, the World Business Forum will be held in Madrid on November 17 and 18, with the motto “The Amazing Now”, with Seth Godin as its main attraction. For more information: